Friday, September 10, 2010

Investigative Reporting at it's Finest

Well, I made the return to the spot of the mysterious encounter from the last post. This time I took along reinforcements in the daylight. If you are wondering, the picture is of my reinforcements, my friend Brett, and not the lurking unidentified creature.
I found that there was absolutely nothing at the spot that would have been reflective, no signs of any human encampment, or anything else that seemed strange. There were some animal bones that were maybe several months old, but did not look like freshly eaten meat. It had rained heavy the night before so there were no tracks left behind.

So, the mystery remains.

Presently here is the vote tally for what people think it was

(15) Mountain Lion
(6) Bear
(3) Coyote
(2) Moose
(2) Wolf
(1) Bigfoot
(1) Human
(1) My Imagination

I voted once on everything.

Here is a photo of the area we hiked in.


  1. That makes a great scout camp fire story. There might be some truth to the theory that 99% of all night time forest light phenomena can be explained by a thin membrane called the tapetum lucidum.

  2. put me down for "Your imagination"

  3. If it was tapetum lucidum, it was most definitely blue eyeshine. Most critters I'm familiar with are either red, yellow, or white. Maybe aliens are related to strepsirrhine primates. Maybe I'll pull out the movie "Signs" and study up.

    Though, it is true that I can't rule out "Your imagination"
