Monday, August 30, 2010

What's Your Super Power?

I arrive at work early before work hours so I can beat myself up on a treadmill. In getting to the weight room, I walk through the cafeteria where amazingly a couple of vending machines spring into life, as if to tempt me to buy something very unhealthy, as I walk by.

This is not the only place where strange unseen forces are at work. There is a street light on a corner near my house that always either turns off or on when I run by. I scared the living hee-bee gee-bees out of my kids once on a walk that went by this light. I told them that I bet the light would go out when we walked by. When it went out my second to the oldest daughter started screaming uncontrollably. I told them that it was my super power.

The vending machines at work almost had myself convinced that I could turn anything off or on at will by just my presence. Maybe, I had been bitten by a radio-active hobo spider at home. Should I take on a new super hero name like X-ray the Destroyer? My secret identity only known to those who knew the lost ancient language of Pig Latin.

Well, my bubble was burst when I realized that the vending machines had a motion sensor attached to save electricity when no one was around.

But wait. This doesn't solve the street light phenomena. Just maybe...

Does anyone else have any super powers?


  1. I have procrastination and incompetency super powers. Yay!

  2. that is freaky. maybe someone in huntsville is playing a trick on you. my super power is that every time i lay down to take a nap - i hear a baby or toddler on a baby monitor. i know, pretty freaky huh.

  3. I am glad you put that power to the betterment of man kind or at least for the betterment of a toddler and baby. You are a good mom!!
