Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What's a Nubbin and Do We Need Them?

My youngest daughter had an outdoor choir performance in minus 'the temperature to freeze your nubbins off' degrees Fahrenheit last night. Of course the performance was a plus, but the weather was definitely a minus. Unfortunately, for our youngest, he got sick and couldn't make it. Fortunately, for my wife, our youngest got sick and couldn't make it. Thus, requiring her to stay home to nurse the ailing.

So, it was me and the three girls who braved the cold. While I was sitting there chattering, one of my girls got after me for forgetting to bring the camera to document this momentus occasion. The other daughter, apparently who was a little more tech savvy, suggested that I use my cell phone to snap a photo. I, therefore, reluctantly dug deep into my 50 layers of clothes and pulled my phone out. I then took off my gloves and attempted to take a shot. I only had space enough on my phone to take one photo. I ended up taking that one photo several times because each time I took it, it would show up blurry. After a bit, I finally gave up because it seemed like the photos kept getting worse and worse the more times I went through the process of taking the picture, looking at the picture, erasing the picture, and then starting again. I finally just emailed what I had to myself and threw back on my gloves.

Eventually, when my brain warmed back up enough upon sipping some hot chocolate, I realized what my problem was. I had been so cold that my hands were constantly shaking. Oh well, my daughter will have to be satisfied knowing that she is one of the blurry blobs in this photo.


  1. OUch - that was painful just to read.

  2. Hey,I have some not-so-blurry pics for ya.
    It was dang cold, but the warmth of their voices
    made is bearable...right?
