Monday, August 9, 2010

Etymology 101

Without looking it up, do you know the proper plural word for octopus?

A. Octopuses
B. Octopedes
C. Octopodes
D. Octopi

Support your answer. Are you brave enough to try it without looking it up?

Just for your information, the blog spot spell check is a little confused about this word.


  1. Octopi ...I cannot back this up, but it reminds me of cacti for some reason :-)

  2. Hey, I just looked it up...what about octopusi?

  3. Way to be brave and take a stance. The full answer is actually interesting. I'll wait and see if anyone else will respond before I give out the official response.

  4. octopuses. cause that's is how i would say it if i saw a bunch of them. i'd be all "hey octopuses - what's crackolackin?" but then when they look at me like i'm lame and i would feel sheepish and wonder if i said it wrong.
