The greatest torture device at Lagoon, for more reasons than one, is the wild mouse. I have seriously injured internal organs on that excuse of a ride. I can't seriously believe that anyone gets any enjoyment out of riding it. It's constant direction changing, and 10 billion break checks, leave you more than just a little bashed and bruised by the end of the experience. I think that the only reason why anyone rides it is for the simple reason that it is there, like why some people climb Mount Everest. No pain, no gain, right!? Like a lot of rides at the park, this ride is included in the, 'why do they have it?' category. This category includes three major groupings:
1. Bore you to death
2. Causes serious bodily harm
3. Serves no purpose other than to get you violently sick.
The Wild Mouse is definitely falls under #2. The other reason, though, that it causes torture is the teenage employee. Come to think of it, that is the short coming to all of the rest of the rides.
The line strategy is pretty simple. You wait in one long line until you get pretty close to loading onto the ride. the line then breaks into two as they load two separate cars basically at the same time. Each car holds four riders. We had 6 people in our group. So we worked out all of the complicated math, well in advance, on how we were going to get 6 people into 8 or 4 slots. Once I realized that I needed to carry the two when I was doing the long division on the problem, I came up with the solution that we would have 4 people in the front car and then team on the other two with two other random strangers from the line. We got it worked out and I lined up two of the kids to go with a father and son team that was next to us in line. The stars were all lined up and we were set for everyone to board the 'ride of death' all at the same time.
I forgot one important item though...teenage blondness. The well intended ride operator asked the father and son how many was in their group and they instinctively said, "two". I was ready for this, though, because I had been observing how this young lady had been conducting business. So, I simply interjected, that my two kids had two in their group, as well, and that they were planning on going with the father and son team. Miss Operator looked at me with her best 'you are so stupid' look and voiced to the opposite line, "do we have any two riders?". I again suggested to her, that it might be simplest to take the two available right there at the front of the line. But no. She would have none of that. She again asked the second line if there were any two riders. Everyone just stood there saying nothing because they could see that we had the needed people to fill the car. Finally, a couple of kids, 50 people down the line said that they would take the spots. I was so astounded by the whole situation the only thing that came out of my mouth was, "Weird".
Has anyone else had these types of experiences?
I agree about the wild mouse and about the surly teenage employees.
ReplyDeleteThe wild mouse is pure torture!!! I don't know why anyone would put themselves through that kind of abuse, it's almost as masochistic as running the wasatch back!