Emails will always come back to haunt you. Here is an email that was sent to me and others that was attached to a room being scheduled. unfortunately, it was intercepted by the librarian. The best case of "whoops" that I have ever seen.
Rex has graciously volunteered to bring down a bootleg copy of the movie he made for this year's Engineer's Conference. Bring your lunch to the library conf. room at noon, but make sure the Nazi Librarian doesn't see it. Or we could eat lunch at 11:30 and then go in and view the movie with clean hands and a pure heart. It's only 15 minutes long, but I scheduled an hour just in case we want to see it 4 times (if it's really good).
Now we know that big brother is always watching, because here is the intercepted reply:
I should warn you that the "Nazi Librarian" sees all, and prefers the "clean hands" and allegedly "pure heart" course of action. But she has been known to enjoy smacking around Anarchists who torch the rule book. So choose well.
Seig Heil!
(name withheld)
Nazi Librarian
I don't know when I laughed harder: when I got this email or when my friend had to pass the librarian when we went into the library conference room. Only one word comes to mind for my friend: BAAAAA! (sheepish sheep sound)
This is freakin' hilarious, how did I miss this post?