Sometimes I wonder if people are setting me up, just to see how I will answer them, so they can laugh at me or if I truly am the straight guy in a comedy routine. Here are two sound bites from recent conversations that I had with a couple of people surrounding the race I ran on the 4th of July:
Conversation One:
Person One: "Hey, what race did you run?"
Me: "The 10k"
Person One: "How far do you run in that race?"
Me: (Not knowing if I'm getting caught in a trap for stating the obvious or if they really wanted to know if I knew that it was 6.2 miles. So I took a gamble and kept up with the straight face routine and said), "10k."
Conversation Two:
Person Two: What race did you run?
Me: The 10k.
Person Two: Did you see that amazing runner that blew everyone away, with the great stride, cross the finish line?
Me: (Worried if I was falling into another trap). "No, that would have meant that I won the race."
From both of their reactions, there must have been option three to these situations...I'm an idiot.
I have trouble with that whole straight humor thing myself. People try to tease me and I pretend I am taking them seriously and then they always assume I don't get the joke. And here I'm thinking they wanted me to think they meant it so they could say, "Just kidding!"